Entry is now closed


View the drop down menu below to see important dates, drop off instructions, artwork requirements, and more:


Click the drop-down menu to read each topic before you submit your work.

  • To enter this show, you must:

    • Have taken at least one class or workshop at Eliza Moser Fine Art.

    • Enter work either 1) created during a class or workshop at our studio, or 2) work created after some form of study at our studio.

  • Important Dates to put on your calendar:

    Deadline to submit online is August 1st, at 11.59 PM.

    Notification of accepted work is August 10th, via email.

    Drop off work: The drop off dates for your artwork are Saturday, August 31st, or Sunday, Sept 1st, from 10:30 AM - 1:30 PM
    (You may also drop off work the week of Sept 1st during regular class hours, or gallery hours. Please notify us if you plan to do this. Do to limited storage space, we cannot accept work sooner than this.)

    Opening Reception: Saturday. September 7th, 1 - 4 PM

    Pick up of artwork: Saturday or Sunday, October 5th or 6th, 10:30 AM - 1:30 PM (Work can also be picked up Tues - Friday the week of October 7th during regular class-time or gallery hours. Please notify us if you plan to do this.)

  • Drop off Instructions:
    When you drop off your work, be sure the back is labeled with your name, the title, and medium.

    Shipping Artwork:
    To ensure the safety of the artwork we will be doing in-person drop off only. However, if you would like the work to be shipped back to you, please include shipping packaging and a pre-paid shipping label when you drop off the work.

    • Artwork may be no larger than 30 x 30 inches, including the frame.

    • Artwork must be framed to be included in the show

    • Frame must be equipped with a hanging wire. Please no sawtooth hangers.

      If you have any questions about these specifications, don’t hesitate to contact us at ElizaMoserFineArt@gmail.com

  • Entry Spec:

    • Each students is welcome to enter up to 5 entries.

    • The first entry to the show is free, any additional entries are $5 each. Please note that while we will try to include as many entries as possible, not all entries may be accepted into the show due to limited space. You will be notified which pieces have been accepted by email.

    • After filling out the form below, please email images of your work to ElizaMoserFineArt@gmail.com for review. We will be in touch after the deadline in August to verify which and how many of your pieces will be included in the show.

    • In the subject line of the email please write “Show Entry - Your Name” for example: “Show Entry - John Smith”